Ono Bono Chronology

Life, as you perceive, tosses you quite often with incidents you react with a fight, flight or freeze sequence. Though quite common to everyone throughout their lifetime, experiences are always uniquely one’s own to cherish or detest. Once gained, experiences are to be dealt with perfection to make the unique person you are and then, there you stand with your tall persona. That’s YOU.

So, why do seemingly similar incidents have different reactions and consequences for different people? Why are reactions unpredictable? What factors determines such reactions in people? Is there a way to read minds? Can life stories be edited and refined to perfection? Can peace prevail?

Reflecting back to one such incident took me to the railway station. A directionless youth scribbling on the samosa paper-bag with a blue, half-ink, one-time usable, sharp-tip to scratch, looking clearly through the crowd on the platform to a dark blank window on the stationed train awaiting refills upon arrival, didn’t think twice on boarding it to destiny after brutal rejection of a fate of an event that now seemed like a mirror of reality check.

There was no chance of looking back, no option left in fact. It was a trance. The bags were packed, the life and death situation heralded failure of perfection, faults in lines of thought, fiction turning to reality. Nothing that had seemed real was now a challenge accepted. From hero to zero, it was time to explore what zero meant and how long could one sustain remaining a zero. The out-of-safe-zone journey now seemed interesting to the lonely braveheart, who started with no preconceived ideas this time. A new life-story was about to be written.

2 thoughts on “Ono Bono Chronology

  1. A motivating write up. The short example of the little boy/girl carrying samosas at the railway station is one the finest examples that would have a great significance on the reader’s life. Thanks.

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  2. With my understanding,it is not the problem which defines us but the reaction. But how do we choose the reaction which is fully controlled by our environment! So our contribution towards our reaction is also very negligible. We are walking between two dots where our steps are not in our control. As the writer said, only the brave heart can understand and accomplish the journey.

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