Simlipal Diaries

@cultureplatter decided to start her Sociological journey in the year 2023. Travelling had to be a part of the discoveries and heading towards Hometown was the easiest possibility. A drive through lush green tunnels and then, a little towards the interior pockets of the Mayurbhanja District, took her to the flash of smiles of people with the purest of hearts.

The Weekly Haat exhibits products made of non-timber forest produce, natural fibre products and freshly plucked vegetables grown without pesticides that are a delight to cook while camping.
Journey to this forest now seems accessible through roads, with four distinct Eco-Retreat projects ready and running well for the District.
Simlipal has a unique culture that intertwines with Mother Nature. The harvest season heralded the longest celebration of a special thanksgiving to Mother Nature through people’s understanding of abundance.

Larger issues of Forest Fires, Elephants eating away harvests, Unavailability of mobile networks and even Electricity supply, remain areas of concern with people cut off from the mainstream development projects. Life however, continues without complaints. Thank you, lovely people! I hope to come back with a good initiative for a better future.

6 thoughts on “Simlipal Diaries

  1. The realization and celebration of abundance by the people so deeply connected to the mother nature is something we all should learn from. Odia culture so nicely depicted.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I liked your selection of site for the visit. Getting closer to nature, especially forests and meeting with inmates of these remote villages not available in Google, not only brings Solace to mind but also supplies food for your crave to write.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious portrayal of the little known and shrouded natural haven of our State. Been to Simlipal once – the cuisine over there was so disparate yet felt so familiar – the mesmerising environment of lush green trees with its enamouring beauty was simply breathtaking.

    If I were to use an oxymoron for you – it was agonisingly enthralling to read my own experience in your words.

    Keep it up.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Always wanted to visit Simlipal while in college but could never make it. Enjoyed reading your travelogue. While I agree that development of those areas are essential, it’s also critical to strike the balance with the natives and not disrupt their livelihood.

    Would love to visit the place one day : )

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So nice you visited simlipal near our native place. Some times we need a break from mobile and internet and be close to the nature.

    Liked by 1 person

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