This too shall pass!

It was when circumstances and conditions were determined by diesel overpowering chlorophyll for living conditions to prevail in a cataclysmic-hit, so-called poor State of Odisha a year ago, the Smary-city evolved with a tough approach to life and living. Electricity and water supply remained off through scorching heat following the devastation. Uprooted trees, agricultural inactivity, tense and hopeless scenarios all around. Life seemed to have stopped. Who knew the usually underrated Diesel would take over with D.G sets pumping water, aiding electrification and smoothing all needs directly or indirectly during such a time? It passed. Life slowly got back to track.

It was then that life in the Smart city got challenged with a bigger threat a year later. The conditions and circumstances were now determined by some alien concept termed ‘social-distancing’. Who knew the usually underrated survival instinct of a co-habiting being would shun community living for higher thinking during such times?

It is hence not wrong to wish for a miracle again and affirm by believing that ‘this too shall pass’. Life will slowly get back to track.

Crunch Munch of a Munchkin

How beautifully had Mum diverted her Munchkin out of fast-food! How magnificent her culinary skills had turned out to be without courses or need of finishing schools! How the crunch-munch crazy foodie had started developing different tastebuds! How nicely had Mum convinced her Munchkin to munch at salads and not chips! How easily had the Munchkin obeyed! How possible had this impossible become!

Cute punch to the Crunch Munch of Mom’s Munchkin. Needless to say Mom had won and hadn’t realised the drainout of energies in the process. She had worked hell-hard, day-in and day-out. She had never expected but people had started noticing and giving her credit. Wasn’t it what she had been doing for years already? What was so special now? It was the time. The time seemed to have been just right. She realised she had been doing the right things at the wrong time…and for the wrong people…and for wrong reasons altogether! It was hence a wrong perspective about time and deeds. Her tiny Crunchy Munchy Munchkin had taught her a big lesson in life. Luckily for her, it wasn’t too late to learn.

Creative Minds Never Rest

Creative minds never rest and they didn’t during this Pandemic either! So, are these minds the patent of the super-normal or of anyone and everyone around us? That’s true. Everyone is creative down on Earth…full of energy and vibes. Let’s see how. 


Pandemics take away. This time it took away more than just lives. For those who survived and for those who succeeded in fighting back, it cleansed out negativities too. The clear message of a cleaner world, leaving behind strict warnings and appeals of climate change and empathy far behind. The Leveller took away platforms, ranks and positions. The World witnessed hard working individuals leading less dependable, simpler lives in a cage called ‘warmth’, holding on to a changed definition of everything they could call their own, forgetting what they had earned or yearned for years to be with their true selves clutching to solitude in search of peace and bliss. Music resounded with the rhythm of heartbeat beeping loud calling onto the shades in the canvas of life waiting to be painted. 

Creative minds rested not with the vagueness around making creative minds wonder like never before, perplexed in the beginning for sure. Questions loomed. Why at all (this pain and suffering)! How at all (to combat and arrest)! What (next)! Delirious. This led to expressions -silent and loud. Nobody rested. Everyone created. These were those novel creations and master-pieces, created without expectations of recognition and reward. Absence of colour palettes, microphones, anklet bells and percussion didn’t matter. Creativity emerged. It reflected in thoughts, in action, as a survivor’s skill, even in people who had long suppressed and repressed it for years! So, no matter what, it’s time to connect and inspire further. Let’s spread the word together. 


Virtual Traveller

I still travel, virtually. I still visit travel blogs. I still surf through pages for places that I can visit some day, I still build images on my mind with each passing day. I still write travel diaries and blogs when smitten by travel bug. I still hold memories of travel as treasures of pleasure. I still value smiles that flash at unknown faces welcoming warm for the visit. I still thank people for non-verbal communication when trying to figure out the language I speak. I still wish to try new cuisines of the cultures and their people when I set out to explore. I still am willing to travel for I know this situation would last no more.

It isn’t for exposure, for experience or expedition. It is to understand people, their culture, of an overpowering humanity as a general example of generosity. It is to see how well people gel, how empathy rules and how humanity supercedes self-centered approaches. It is to feel the greater good that the human race is born for. It is to know why this race is above all races, why this being is over all beings. It is to understand how they brace for climate-change and calamities and why in the hands of these beings lie the future of life-cycles and webs.

This race can fly without wings, can dive without gills, can move tapping energies from the sun and the wind. These beings can network with their masses and can stand up to greater causes. This humanity can differentiate good from the bad and bad from the worse. It is equipped with a heart, a brain and above all a mind to separate, sort, sieve and strain. Mindless journeys no more, I will travel to destinies of peace and solace, of soulful grace, to higher altitudes and peaks of ace.

Where have all the food trucks gone?

Chuck, chuck…wobble, wobble; chomp, chomp…gobble, gobble. Yummy yummy…frankies, noodles, hand bills…and no trouble. Where have all the food trucks gone?

Stir, stir…nibble, nibble; garnish, garnish…giggle, giggle. Slurpy, slurpy…burger, pattie, have some more…without worry. Where have all all the food trucks gone?

Wait for weekends, walk down, walk over, look around. Breathe in all the aroma profound. Chit-chat over two-wheelers, wait inside cars, or simply keep hands crossed and drown. Where have all the food trucks gone?

Leaning on the edge, wondering for hours, thinking about Chefs and Cooks, loss of investments and of debts on purposeless minds. The street food craze swept clean overnight over ‘lock-shut downs!’ Still, where on Earth have the food trucks gone?